Corporate Partner Membership Options

Corporate Partner Membership Options

SAIIE Corporate Partner Membership Options

(All amounts and benefits open for discussion and negotiation.)

Standard Corporate Partner Membership Option – negotiable per annum:

Corporate Branding:

  • Corporate Branding on the SAIIE website incorporating your Company logo and 100-word profile together with URL link to own website, in the Corporate Partner Section.


  • 5 Individual associate members of SAIIE – (By default associate members, with option to upgrade). Full benefits as for other Member (Value approx. R8 275)
  • Expedited Membership Approval Process – accepting corporate employment credentials as sufficient
  • Further individual associate memberships can be added at negotiable rates per person. 

Other Benefits:

  • 1 Complimentary registration to attend the SAIIE Annual Conference (Value approx. R8 000)
  • Discounted member rates to attend the SAIIE Annual Conference extended to all corporate representatives (ie the SAIIE member discount applies)
  • 2 job vacancy advertisement opportunities on the Career page section of the SAIIE website, and e-mailed to all members (Advertisement to be supplied in an agreed format) (Value approx. R1 200)
  • May accredit one CPD event free via SAIIE (Event must be open to outside IEs)
  • Inclusion on the SAIIE Industry Database - Career/Position Advertisements to Industrial Engineering, additional Exposure on the SAIIE Platform, Events notifications etc. (Value approx. R 6500) 

Premium Corporate Partner Membership Option – negotiable per annum:

Corporate Branding:

  • Corporate Branding on the SAIIE website incorporating your Company logo and 100-word profile together with URL link to own website, in the Corporate Partner Section.
  • Corporate Branding at the annual SAIIE conference, and listed as a Corporate Partner in the programme and conference website. Product flyers for inclusion in the conference bag. One full A4 page colour advert in the final conference programme book. 


  • 20 Individual associate members of SAIIE – (By default associate members, but with option to upgrade as for any other member). Full benefits as for other Associate Members. (Value approx. R33 100)
  • Expedited Membership Approval Process – accepting corporate employment credentials as sufficient.
  • Further individual associate memberships can be added at negotiable rates per person.
  • A seat on the Corporate Advisory Board, meeting twice per year. The purpose of this board is for employers to get the opportunity to participate in the planning of SAIIE to further the IE discipline and associated disciplines in Southern Africa.

Other Benefits:

  • 2 Complimentary registration to attend the SAIIE Annual Conference (Value approx. R16 000)
  • Discounted member rates to attend the SAIIE Annual Conference extended to all corporate representatives (ie the SAIIE member discount applies)
  • 5 job vacancy advertisement opportunities on the Career page section of the SAIIE website, and e-mailed to all members (Advertisement to be supplied in an agreed format) (Value approx. R3 000)
  • May accredit one CPD event for free via SAIIE (Event must be open to outside IEs)
  • Inclusion on the SAIIE Industry Database - Career/Position Advertisements to Industrial Engineering, additional Exposure on the SAIIE Platform, Events notifications etc. (Value approx. R 6500)

Why Corporate Partner Membership?

  • It is important for the Industrial Engineering profession to have employer involvement. As professionals, employers are the main users of our unique skills and abilities. We need to work together to protect and advance this very special profession.
  • Professional Registration is becoming more important for the profession than ever before. SAIIE is a recognised ECSA Voluntary Association, but if we do not have sufficient professional registrations, we are at risk of losing this status. This implies that Industrial Engineering will no longer be recognised as an engineering discipline in South Africa, with the implication that the international accreditation under the Washington and other accords for future IE qualifications will not longer be valid. We owe it to ourselves, IE employers and future Industrial Engineers, to protect and enhance this profession. Professional registration can only be sustainably successful if we involve employers in the training and mentor processes.
  • Employers who become corporate members reconfirm their commitment to the Industrial Engineering Profession, and gets a formal forum to influence the future direction of Industrial Engineers through the planned Corporate Advisory Board.
  • Employers who are Corporate Members also get unique access to the Industrial Engineering community with corporate branding opportunities on our website, at our conferences and through our newsletters.
  • Young members often struggle to pay the annual membership fees. By involving employers, we create an opportunity whereby employers can help to fund membership, thereby increasing our membership, and thereby creating more opportunity for networking with other Industrial Engineers in Southern Africa.
  • Partnership creates opportunity and broadens our influence!